About Us


Can’t believe it! – this October Myths will have been running for 22 years!!

It’s been quite a ride, we’ve learnt soo much in our time researching and investigating not just the ghosties, but researching the spooky history and ghost stories from around the UK- something which I think sets us apart from other like-minded Paranormal Groups.

We’ve been lucky enough to work with, and learn from some wonderfully skilled individuals over the years. We may only be a small trusted unit, but do all we can to encourage working alongside other groups and interested people, and that’s what’s great about the paranormal – everyone see’s it differently, you can learn soo much from from each other.

Over the last 22 years we’ve been running, the team has basically stayed the same – few new faces here and there, but generally we are who we first set out to be all those years ago.

However, our knowledge and experience continues to grow everytime we do an investigation – just checkout one of our older ‘invos’ in the Vintage Myths section to see how we’ve progressed over the years!

We continue to push the boundaries – in a safe and controlled way – and have some amazing pieces of film footage to show for it.

We’ve done some truly incredible things in our time at Myths, here’s some of our favourite highlights:

That will do for now!.. there’s soo much more I could tell you about.. but why look at the past when the future is right in front of us.

We are ‘Myths’ – we are here to stay – so sit back and enjoy the ride!